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Serving more than 64 nationalities across Dubai-Gurugram-Bengaluru

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)

What items do I need to bring to the nursery for my child?

  • Changes of clothes

In case of accidents please make sure these are clearly labeled with your child’s name. (Please provide plenty of spare clothes if potty training is in progress). Accidents can sometimes happen especially when children are busy enjoying themselves.

  • Nappies, Wipes, Nappy Rash Cream

If your child requires, then stock should be provided daily or you can bring in a pack for us to keep in class and we will let you know when your child needs more.

  • Blankie or favourite toy

A support item may be brought in, however, we will encourage your child to work toward independence and “managing feelings and emotions” during their time at the kindergarten at a steady and appropriate pace suitable for your child.

  • Food and drink

For morning snack and lunch time, we will keep perishables in the refrigerator. Some items may be heated in the microwave. Please pack lunch in the microwaveable dish.

  • Pacifiers (dummies)

Please make sure that these are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

  • Small bed sheet, pillow and a cover

If your child stays with us for after care, please provide clean bedding every Sunday. The bedding will be returned to you at the end of the week for washing.

  • No plastic carrier bags where possible

We ask parents not to use plastic bags for their children’s belongings, as a safety precaution.

How will my child spend the day at Kids Kingdom Learning Centre?

Children will spend their day doing carefully prepared age appropriate activities planned by our teachers. Classes follow daily routine with designated timing in our outdoor play area and indoor play area, Arabic and French classes and proper timings for snack, lunch and rest time.

Are your teachers qualified?

Kids Kingdom Learning Centre employs well qualified teachers holding a degree, diploma or certificate in Education. Most of our teachers hold Cache 3 Level Certification, which is tailored for teaching Early Years in British Systems schools.
Our teaching assistants regularly undergo training focused on care in Early Years.
Child’s progress with his/her teacher and look at the Learning Journey.

How do you prepare my child for school?

Our experienced teachers use EYFS Framework to create daily planning that develops children’s social, language, physical and math skills needed for “big” school.

What happens if my child becomes ill while in the nursery?

If a child falls ill during while in the nursery, our Nurse will contact you to collect your child as soon as possible. Your child will be waiting in our clinic, where he/she will be made comfortable until you arrive.
If your child is unwell in the morning, please keep them at home and let the nursery reception know.

My child has been ill – when can he/she return back to the nursery?

We ask our parents for support of keeping the child at home during the child’s illness to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.

High Temperature24 hours after returning to normal temperature
Whooping Cough5 days after starting medical treatment – Doctor’s note required
Unusual Rash24 hours after returning to normal or doctor’s note proving rash is not contagious
Eye infection or Conjunctivitis24 hours after the start of medication and after the discharge from eyes has ceased
Severe Cough and Sore Throat24 hours after the start of medication
Impetigo24 hours after medical treatment, wounds to be fully covered and Doctor’s note required
Ringworm24 hours after medical treatment and Doctor’s note required
Measles5 days after rash appears – Doctor’s note required
Hepatitis ADoctor’s note required
Diarrhea and Vomiting24 hours after returning to normal
Salmonella24 hours after returning to normal – Doctor’s note required
Chicken Pox5 days after infection and after blisters have dried out
Mumps9 days after onset of swelling – Doctor’s Note Required
Rubella4 days after onset of rash – Doctor’s Note Required
Who should I speak to if I have any concerns?

In the first instance your child’s Key Person or Teacher should be the first point of contact.
Alternatively, please come and see any member of the management team in the office.

What happens if the nursery has concerns about your child?

If we have any concerns over the development of your child then we will discuss these with you on an informal basis. We would hope that together we can identify the appropriate help that may be needed. If the concerns are affecting your child’s development we will suggest that a fuller assessment is provided by your child’s doctor or pediatrician. We will also be able to advise parents where to seek advice, support, counselling and assessments here in Dubai.
The kindergarten will also assist in implementing an assessment or referral if a child has Special Needs. The earlier a child is diagnosed with a problem e.g. hearing or speech impairment, behavioural issues, dyslexia, dietary allergy etc. then the earlier treatment or early intervention can be prescribed.