Communication importance
communication importance

Early identification of language, speech, and communication is extremely important

When a child has communication delays the risks of other development delays are more common. All children need language. When language, communication and speech are not on target with their age it affects all aspects of their learning, including the social and emotional development. There are various reasons why a child’s language may be delayed including the environment not supporting the child’s needs for his/her communication and language development. Other factors may include the child having a hearing impairment or may have a learning difficulty such as Asperger’s syndrome, autism or Down’s syndrome which makes it difficult for a child to process a language.

When a child is not able to talk or listen they can become frustrated, feel lonely and also will feel powerless. At Kids Kingdom Preschool, when children struggle with this we support the child and encourage them to communicate with others. We support a child’s speech, language and communication at all times, from when a child is a baby, in our everyday routines and activities, during 1:1 and also in groups alongside specific opportunities and activities in the preschool environment.

Play and activities are used to support the development of speech, language and communication

Kids Kingdom offering daycare service does activities which are appropriate for the child’s age and level of development such as imaginative and creative play. By providing opportunities for the children to self express and self evaluate through discussions, news times, circle times, painting, drawing, writing, music making, drama and dance we are able to develop the children’s language, communication and speech.

We promote positivity towards a child’s attempt at language. And value and respect their culture and language, having genuine conversations with the child using gestures, eye contact and props. One to one conversations are great as long as they are not rushed.

Parents who are looking for Playschool or Daycare in Gurugram , Gurgaon, near sector 49,Vatika City, Tulip Orange, Sispal Vihar then Kids kingdom Preschool is the best for your child.

If you have concerns regarding your childs communication & language please do not hesitate to contact us at Kids Kingdom Preschool.

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